
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Existential Odyssey

     The Path is  this Arc of one's very being. It is the Yellow Brick Road, Noah's Ark, a dragon bridge to the heavens, or simply a rustic highway to the Great Beyond. The starting line of that Path is a certain point from which one finds oneself standing for the very first time. Here lies the simplicity of one's awareness of one's existence - ruby red slippers? A call? An ambition? This standing point is that point that meets with all that has gone before.  There are two key aspects of the Path: 1) That which one tethers oneself to in order to define one's "purpose"; & 2) That which one owns as one's very own Path - an untethered will to define Self for oneself. There is, however, a point in between these two aspects of the Path. Limbo is a a spider who spins her web quite finely for those who would risk leaving the comforts of the former aspect of the Path in search for the latter.     Truth is quite an evasive little thing. One recognizes one&#