

   You look around me You look above You do not see me You  can’t feel my love I tried to show you I’m getting older You look for Something new I tried to tell you It’s over I am  Unglued 

The Existential Odyssey

     The Path is  this Arc of one's very being. It is the Yellow Brick Road, Noah's Ark, a dragon bridge to the heavens, or simply a rustic highway to the Great Beyond. The starting line of that Path is a certain point from which one finds oneself standing for the very first time. Here lies the simplicity of one's awareness of one's existence - ruby red slippers? A call? An ambition? This standing point is that point that meets with all that has gone before.  There are two key aspects of the Path: 1) That which one tethers oneself to in order to define one's "purpose"; & 2) That which one owns as one's very own Path - an untethered will to define Self for oneself. There is, however, a point in between these two aspects of the Path. Limbo is a a spider who spins her web quite finely for those who would risk leaving the comforts of the former aspect of the Path in search for the latter.     Truth is quite an evasive little thing. One recognizes one&#

Illusions and the Real Thing

The illusion of life - the sanskrit  maya - is discovered in the spinning and the non-spinning of the wheel of meaning. It is quite easy to be deeply entrenched in discovering one's purpose yet equally as easy to nihilate all purpose. Does the fruit suspending from the limb say, "Hmm...I wonder what my purpose is"? Is the fruit aware of itself in the way that I am aware of myself? This awareness is to my benefit for if I am unaware of myself, then I do nothing more than drift on through the course of life. Life plays itself out as a recurring book. Birth, Development, Familiarization with the world, Tragedy, Fear, Desire, Comedy, Love, Hate, Death. Roads develop and the earth gradually breaks through. Industries arise and new roads are routed. Everything has its beginning. Everything has its end. It all continuously moves on. Once an individual first realizes just how insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things, it isn't uncommon to take it upon themselves t

Blind Reverence

The viral video of the Dalai Lama telling a boy to suck his tongue is food for discussion. I appreciate many of the tenets of Buddhism and find that they have been helpful on my journey away from Christianity and self-discovery. Given that America is predominantly Christian, it seems, however, that this situation is useful to analyze and demonstrate what it means to hold somebody too highly in reverence. Throughout Christendom, there has been scandal on top of scandal, from Catholicism to the SBC. Notice how the deep followers’ cognitive dissonance causes them to explain things away or suggest that God forgives such and such. Their reverence is just way too attached. And, here, we have a situation wherein people come to believe that a high religious leader is the reincarnation of the Buddha of Compassion.  The path to self-fulfillment and self-realization is a precarious one comparing say a pastor to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama was sought out when he was still a boy. A Protestant pa

On Credulity

There are charlatans, self-proclaimed gurus, and demagogues somewhere out there, today. They have been around before, and yet, for every rationalist out there in grave attempts to set records straight, they show no signs of disappearing. It’s been said that  “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”. Why? Are people just gullible? What are some of the tools one needs in order to put a spell on you?  Ignorance is bliss, as they say. But, it seems that just about anybody can be fooled - at least, by someone . Ignorance can be played up perhaps because the audience has never experienced some far away place. It can be played up through an undeveloped grasp of history. It can be played up through many condescendingly daunting scientific words. Or, maybe, it can be played up through the audience simply being unaware of themselves. Imagine living in a time with no airplanes and you were perhaps some peasant who had not quite the means to travel t

Self & Other - Matter & Not

Nihilism, in essence, doesn’t have to be an end goal - rejecting life and self. No, that isn’t the latent use value hidden there. Nihilism need not be feared either. Nothingness, the void, is most supreme in separating a thing from a thing even from that very thing which it is. At the moment, I am most concerned with how nihilism separates me from the Other and Self from animal. Solipsistically, how can I know, whether another human being is a gregarious malleable animal primed, conditioned, and capable of being directed by the whims of puppet masters and manipulators or a conscious being capable of free thought? When one sees advertisers, politicians, and religious leaders holding sway over the masses, it’s difficult to think that the said masses could ever be fully conscious. How do they not see the deceptions and narratives appealing to their sensory inputs? There’s nothing that leaves a bad taste in the mouth more than knowing you’ve been misled. But, isn’t it strange just how ofte

Icarus, Above the Rainbow

       The struggle of existence plays out both in the physical antagonisms of life and in finding reasons to exist.  From the beginning of one’s life, meaning of one’s existence is determined on culture & family.  Through the years, in-group struggles and unanswered - or unsatisfactory - questions about the world might induce one to go out into the “unknown” world on a quest in an effort to satisfy such curiosities (that is, if they are free enough to take on such a task).  But, what if, in this quest, they discover that so much of what they were taught was based off of much fabrication, mental manipulation, or paranoia; and, at this juncture, choose to cast off those past paradigms?      This person is left in fragments.  How can he know what is real save for the skin on his bones and the earth beneath his feet?  How can he trust anybody without reading into them some sort of manipulative agenda?  Better to be stoic and not let anybody too close.  Better not to show anybody his