Nihilism, in essence, doesn’t have to be an end goal - rejecting life and self. No, that isn’t the latent use value hidden there. Nihilism need not be feared either. Nothingness, the void, is most supreme in separating a thing from a thing even from that very thing which it is. At the moment, I am most concerned with how nihilism separates me from the Other and Self from animal. Solipsistically, how can I know, whether another human being is a gregarious malleable animal primed, conditioned, and capable of being directed by the whims of puppet masters and manipulators or a conscious being capable of free thought? When one sees advertisers, politicians, and religious leaders holding sway over the masses, it’s difficult to think that the said masses could ever be fully conscious. How do they not see the deceptions and narratives appealing to their sensory inputs? There’s nothing that leaves a bad taste in the mouth more than knowing you’ve been misled. But, isn’t it strange just how ofte...